The Stats, The Introvert and The Mini Cooper

by Waleed Ali Khan

It is funny how I closely monitor my blog hits. To me, it is very important that what I am writing is being read, why else would I write a blog? Also, it makes me incredibly happy when someone tells me to blog more or that they have missed reading my blog because I haven’t written a new entry. So, while I was looking at my blog statistics, I realized that this post got the highest hits ever. To my surprise, it is the one where i was supposedly suffering from writer’s block and did not have access to the internet. Moral of the story: make some posts personal!

The past four months have been intense, I think i discovered myself more then than the 3 years before that. While I was leaving Rwanda, I was asked by Waleed Ali Khan's dream car - mini coopermy team members what I had learnt from the trip; and before I could say anything, they said said one word: confidence. And that was precisely what I was going to say. I think I finally feel comfortable in my own skin, know where I want to see myself in the future, and feel a sense of purpose for my life. For one, I realized that if I ever make enough money, I want a Mini Cooper! I also want to continue to pursue my global development initiatives, and perhaps want to work for the United Nations if I ever get the opportunity.

I am proud to be an Introvert. While I was thinking about how awesome the past 4 months have been, I also realized how my trait as an introvert made my growth an internal process.  I remember one of my relatives once said that I was incapable of even buying something from a shop (because I was quiet and shy). Because I was an introvert, I just felt that internal desire to prove him wrong instead of talking back to him. Alas! I doubt after Rwanda people can say this!

I think I am writing this very personal blog just  because I am an introvert. My love for writing was born because I wasn’t really fond of talking to strangers. I prefer writing to professors than dropping by at their offices. I’ve always preferred writing because it can avoid social interaction. Writing is something I can do in solitude and it helps me clear my mind. As research suggests, introverts are thought oriented, and hence like to think instead of speak or take immediate actions.